Sex Pistolsi legendi John Lydoni naine suri Alzheimeri tõppe
Toimetas Triin Tael, 8. aprill 2023
Briti punklegend John Lydon (67) teatas sotsiaalmeedias, et 80 aasta vanuses on surnud tema kauane abikaasa Nora Forster. Viimastel aastatel oli muusik pühendunud Alzheimeri tõbe põdeva naise eest hoolitsemisele.
„Puhka rahus, Nora Forster,“ seisab Sex Pistolsi hiilgeajal Johnny Rottenina tuntud Lydoni Twitteri-kontol.
1/2 Rest in Peace Nora Forster
— John Lydon Official (@lydonofficial) April 6, 2023
It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news that Nora Forster - John Lydon's wife of nearly 5 decades - has passed away. Nora had been living with Alzheimer’s for several years. In which time John had become her full time carer.